Thursday, July 13, 2017

July 13, 2017 - From Slow to Sonic

Things started off real slow, the first 3 days felt like an eternity of classes, but then Sunday happened, we got to relax, chill out, and just study. That was a great. We had a devotional sunday night that had a lot of good stuff, then we watched a Devitional from 2012 by Elder Bednar called the Character of Christ. I learned so much about how we as The people of his church should stive to act towards one another. Life changing, if you can find it on, or youtube or anything watch it its so good.  Something he mentioned is how through his life, he has read the Book of Mormon many, many times. He began read them with one specific question in mind, write that question at the front, read it, marking anything that helps answer that question does a half page summary of what he learned at the end, puts a label of the question on the spine, and now has a bookshelf full of anwers to questions. I have decided to start doing this, im starting with the question of how do I comfort those in need of Comfort. Gonna start on my own shelf of anwers. 

My room consists of me, My companion Elder Ricks, And the other 2 Botswana Elders, Elder Roberts and Elder Mills. We already have gotten pretty close, making jokes like crazy. Its been a lot of fun, as well as a ton of learning here. 

We began something Called TRC's on Monday. They are basically just investigators we are assigned to teach in the MTC. This week we have Kouji Uchida, a Budhist wanting to learn what Christ is, and Jenifer Kitchen, A nonmember interesting in the Church her dying Grandparents she takes care of have taked about so much. Teaching them has been a great learning experience. Food here is better than I expected, had a panini that was actually stellar, yesterday. 

Been loving the spirit here and loving the learning, but as great as those are.... Having a p-day is so much better, Im in shorts, and i'm not in a hurry. its to bad the provo temple is closed from the 3rd to the 25th. So we dont get to go, but we do get to clean it next thursday, so that'll be really cool. Exersise time is awesome, I've just done machines for a half hour then four square the other half. 

Got a lot of pictures to send, that i cant right now, this computer is broken and the others are in use, so ill have to send them later today.   

 Elder Jack Funk

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