Thursday, August 23, 2018

August 13, 2018 - Mission Week 58: "This is what happens when you celebrate women"

Hello everyone, this was a slow week, mainly due to the public holiday Women's day giving everyone an excuse to cancel and leave town. The streets have been empty and we have had nothing to do, plus my comp was sick, so we didn't do a whole lot. 
Monday, we went to Lesego, and I recorded Mid-day with Elder Funk: Ep. 1. something I want to keep doing since it was fun.
 Tuesday, we had a good lesson with the 9 year investigator Marius, the guy with the legos. We talked about some deep stuff with Personal Revelation and how he can get answers to the questions he still has. 
Wednesday was actually good. We Clarified the Priesthood with Marcia, since she thought it was more the gift of the Holy Ghost, just a spiritual gift. and she wanted to take it to her prophet to help her church. SO yeah. fixed that. She seemed sad, but now at least realized the purpose of the Book of Mormon and said she's start actually reading it. 
Thursday, was Women's day. and it was way cold, so everyone was either locking in the gated houses, or out of town for the long weekend. So finding was unfruitful, and all our appointments fell through.
Friday, was the same thing after district meeting, excluding the way, way, way good Plan of Salvation we taught a girl named Renelwe. We taught her the Restoration about a month ago, and finally got her to meet us again, and she started off by saying, I've prayed about getting baptized, and its a No. but then we asked if she'd read the Book yet, and she said no, then we talked about the Plan of Salvation in its entirety for like 2 hours and she said she'd read and pray and give it a second thought. Then we walked. 
Saturday, my comp was way sick.
Sunday, was the same
And now here we are. On one of the days  we ran into a lady from Salt Lake who was here hunting with her Husband. So that was cool 
Also the Book of Jacob is very dense with some powerful doctrine. Things i suggest reading this week are Jacob 3 and 4. I enjoyed it thoughtfully. 
I've come to realize that my Mom was inspired to hate KFC, since it has given me the resistance  to getting sick of it until now, because you eat So much KFC here. 
but yeah, don't really have a ton to talk about this week 
  • All my bands are breaking, first the belt, now my watch is on its way out. 
  • Is there any new Piano Guys Album in the past year?
  • Apples are good, especially Pink Lady apples (I am a man)
  • "Metaphorical Dragons" 
  • "Drama is Unfolding" - Sister Mama, the Relief society pres at Branch Council
  • New Planners make things fun
But enjoy your lives. Remember the Covenets God has made with you and with your Fathers. 
Eat a bagel.

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