Monday, we took pictures under this one bridge, upload speed is awful today though, so sorry, pictures next week. Then we didn't go to Pretoria as planned so we went with Kwa'Guqa to their FHE with Sis. Mpurang, it was fun.
Tuesday, was the Special Conference with President L. Witney Clayton of the Seventy. He talked about a lot of good things. Don't really have much to share though, its mostly relevant to this specific mission. so yeah. Then we drove back to Witbank and saw a few people.
Wednesday, we had to fix another flat tire, and then we had a lady stop us while we were walking to the car, and asked us to come teach her, so that will be fun, we going next week. Noxolo is her name. then we had to run a few errends for the office.
Thursday, We went to middleburg and had another Awesome lesson with the Golden Boy Vince. While we were talking we put him on date, and he expressed his feelings and it was just great. Daneil, his newly moved in member friend, told us about how his stepmom burned his book of Mormon so he needed a new one, so that was fun. Daniel is insanely powerful in the ghospel, but his family wont let him serve a mission, so that blows
Friday, we met with the normal people in Phola, and also a guy named Moses, who introduced us to his friend named Nonhlahla, who then proceded to open up to us about her very large amount of problems and challenges keeping her from being happy. She's a Traditional healer, so that will be interesting.
Saturday, was my Companions birthday, so we went to a fancy burger place called Rocomamas, and had a good time, then we saw a few members and other people and one of them threw him a surprise party, with Fatcake burgers (scone hamburgers, waaaayyyy good. the guy owns a restaurant)
Sunday, was a nice fast and testimony meeting in which I was the only male to actually get up. then we had another birthday party for another member, which was fun. nothing much really happened though.
Today, is today.
Random thoughts I have written in my planner:
President Chadambuka told his Proposal story at the special conference
Sis. Chadambuka had just been told not to become a nun (a whole nother story) when she was talking to her friend Dunstan (president) he could see she was still bummed (it had been a few months, they had started dating, since she could now) and he said "Here is something to look forward to, I'm getting married in a few months" "to who?" she said "you"
which is the smoothest thing I've ever heard, and also totally goes against all tradition in Zimbabwe. So that was the greatest thing ever
Family history work is really hard here, since written records don't go back past the 1800's for the Native people.
and I person can make a difference. Didn't write the context for that, but its still true.
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