Sunday, April 8, 2018

Week 36: back in my area - March 12, 2018

"it's to hot to read"- lady we were following up on. on a pretty normal, not that hot, day.

SO to start of with the sad thing to make it end on a good note, I left my Camera cord in Pretoria, So once again, no pictures......... but next week for real. 

This week was mostly a blur of the Flu, and getting caught up with everyone after being gone. We had a lot of people ask us the popular question of "is it O.K. to worship our ansesotrs, if we are already saved?" to which the answer is obvious.

So I came back Monday after Emailing, and then Tuesday, we had some people cancel, but managed to see most of the people, pretty normal day.   

Wednesday, we saw a decent amoung of people and got some new investigators, in a part of town called Duvha. 

Thrusday was Middleburg, pretty average, not a lot to talk about
Friday was also pretty averrage in Phola
Saturday, we cleaned the chapel and put a lady named Precious on date, she is the sister of the lady who should be baptized next week named Nomfumoneko. 
Sunday we had no power at Church or at our Flat, so we had a very shouty sacrament since no mic. that was funny. 

not a lot much else to talk about.

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