Taking a blast to the past, Monday we did whatever we did. I honestly don't even remember and the day is in my other planner. But it was probably pretty cool. I had to buy electricity, exciting stuff.
Tuesday was transfers, and as usual the guys coming down from Botswana were way late, so we all got in a big circle and did some hakkie sack, for like 3 hours. It was way fun actually. Then Elder Mbir got here and we went back to Witbank. We got him all settled.
Wednesday was my first day of real Training. It was weird. Since he had already been halfway trained by someone else. But the training has been going well. Turns out he's from Ghana, is like 4 years older than me, and is pretty cool. We've been having a good time, and the nice thing about training is that he is supposed to "take the lead" on a lot of things so I get to "supervise" a lot.
Thursday was uneventful. Other than meeting the Jehovahs Witness named Joshua, who really wanted to tell us how wrong we were. We saw the always wonderful Sister Pat, who told us faith is like Water, you need it to live.
Friday, we had a good day. Since Investigators that left for holiday before I even got here are finally comming back, I'm meeting some of them for the First time. Like Precious and Constance, who are way cool. We went around the Section called Tasbet for a bit and met a lady who laughed at us, saying "I'm already saved, I'm a Christian" and then shut the door. Pretty much sums up many people's mentalities here.
Saturday we Played Soccer on the Kwa'Guqa ward team, and lost horribly. It was my 6th game of soccer like Ever, and they had me play Scorer. After that we did some service at Sister Pats. and then went to Klarinet. We met up with Joshua again, and this time he let us say stuff and we taught the restoration to him and his wife Agnes, and they promissed to read and pray, and actually seem pretty interested. I guess that the Lord softened his heart, or something, and He wasn't attack-y like when we knocked on his door Thursday.
Sunday was a nice church meeting. Some good talks were given. We had a lunch with the Gumetsi Family, and halfway through we got a call from the Second Counceler, Brother McDonald, who needed our Help. he has a big truck, and in the bed he had a battery, connected to the main battery that would help the thing actually start. During Church someone had stolen the backup battery and the Cables, so he was stuck. So we went and jumped the main battery. and then went back and Had our lunch. Roast beef, which i hadn't had in 6 months. It was way good. Afterwards we watched the Joseph Smith Movie, per their request. I always love that movie.
Life continues to be good, I'm downloading and converting President Monsons Funeral, so I'll be able to watch it on our little DVD player. I hope everyone has a good week. Life is good as usual.