so i don't have a ton to talk about his week. we did exchanges with all the district leaders, so we wern't in our area to much. plus lot of people canceling. plus the BIGGEST HEAT WAVE OF MY LIFE. its been so incredible hot. I like can't even believe it. holy crap. its been hot.
but yeah, since I don't have a lot to talk about when it comes to the work, except our new super golden investigator Wendy, who should be baptized like next week, because she is 16 and soaks up the info like a sponge and then prays about it. so thats nice
but anyway, since i have like nothing to talk about, i thought i would talk about some realizations I had while listening to some Hank Smith devotionals on our 5 hour drive to Pretoria today.
basically it's no secret I had somewhat of a technology problem before. to sum up my high school life in my own words "I was a obsessive, phone glued mess who really didn't do anything other than drumline, video games, and youtube." which is an honest reality. not gonna deny that. but I tend to think I've changed a lot on mission. I am kinda back to how I was in junior high where I actually have the motivation to go for my dreams. I have a lot more hope for the future, and really just want to DO things. I have a growing love for photography, i want to camp like all the time now, and i want to begin to get back into leaning new instruments. I know that i will only be able to accomplish these things by a reduction in 'screen time'
but i've said a lot of this before I think, so let me tie it into what hank Smith said. he talked about friends, and he talked about choices, and he talked about 'waking up from your phone' and all three of the things really struck me.
I deffinetly am who I am because of my friends. so thanks to them, I didn't end up a total mess in high school, but they affected a lot of my choices, i hope one day I can pay them back for that. Remember your friends have a massive effect on you. I've seen plenty of that here, esspecially form being away from mine.
also in Hank Smith's Words, we are the sum total of our choices, not as much our accomplishments. This is gonna sound prideful, but i'll say it for the sake of the point I'm making. I am a person of many talents and abilities. but i am not someone who has used those to do much good. but i plan to change that.
its more valuable to use talents to help others. Hank says "you could be one of the most talented people to ever live, but if no one else is benefited by it.
Also Also, he talked about waking up from your phone, which i think i already said a bunch about with the whole high school thing
so yeah, live your dreams, do what you want, serve the Lord by serving His children.
GO READ ROMANS 5:31(jst), 35,38-39, and then realize how much God loves us.
but heres some other random stuff.
- Miracle of Botswana Year Visas
- Heat wave and grey pants are bad plan
- Go look up the prophet Shepard Bushiri and tell me what you think. he is the biggest church in Africa.
- God is incappable of making mistakes, since He is Perfect, so if He made you, and He is perfect, he can only make good things, so you are good, and can be Perfect, since Perfect can only create Perfect.
- People seem to hate idea of Spirit world 'Second Chance' in words of one investigator "that is way to hopeful" how could God love sinners? to which is say, read the scriptures and tell me otherwise.
- Adam gets such a bad rap somtimes.
- A religion that doesn't requir the sacrafice of ones all does not have the power nessesary to produce Exaltation.
but yeah, a few of the Returned Missionaries who I served with are now engaged, so thats weirder than people from home getting married.
man this was long